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I love to draw and tell stories through drawings.

I've published some comics, I have a series of autobiographical strips (the toscomics) and I just launched my biggest project: a 300 graphic novel "A Canção Fantasma" (Ghost Song) by Darkside Book.


I have been working for 15 years as a freelancer illustrator for books, magazines, agencies, companies, etc. I also work as a tattoo artist in a studio in Porto Alegre since 2017.


Like every child I loved to draw. Being apartment kids, my parents really encouraged the arts in me and my siblings. We all loved to draw: we created games that used drawing and stories: universes with crazy characters and fun stories. Only I followed the professional path of the arts, but my brothers still draw today. Click here to see my younger brother's work: games he creates from scratch (the story, the drawings, the programming, etc).

I ended up studying Architecture, because I liked to draw and I thought I didn't have what it took to be an artist. That word “artist” carried a lot of weight that I thought was not for me: how am I going to put myself on the same level as my idols? I didn't think I was “artistic” enough, the imposter syndrome was always very strong in me. 

It was only after college, when I officially started working with illustration and self-publishing my comics, that I was able to see myself as an artist too.

Comics never left my life: since I was a child I read a lot (due to my father's influence) and as a child I wrote and drew my own comics. Then I grew up and stopped, maybe the imposter syndrome again or just an exaggerated self-criticism: but I only returned to work with comics as an adult, already over 25 years old.

I started posting my toscomics comic strips back in the blogging days. The name toscomics came from the need to be very unpretentious. 

Finding an audience and participating in comic book events has given me a lot of incentive to keep publishing, even when there isn't much financial success. It's hard to make a living from comics, it's difficult to even earn some money from comics in Brazil and even so we have an intense production here, just go to any festival to see it. I myself never intend to stop.

In 2017 I decided to take my drawings to a new support: the skin. I was lucky to find amazing people who encouraged me a lot, both colleagues and clients and today tattooing has become a source of income and pride: I love leaving my drawings on people.

In all my works I try to bring humor and lightness. The visual  narrative is very important to me.  

Want to work with me? Just write me at


Here's a more detailed CV:

Samanta lives between Porto Alegre and Pelotas (RS). She graduated in Architecture from UFPel (in 2004). She currently works as a freelance illustrator and cartoonist for publishers, production companies, design and advertising agencies. He started tattooing in 2017, currently working at the High Space Tattoo studio, in Porto Alegre.

Main areas of activity: illustration in general, character creation, children's books, scenarios (for animation), storyboards (animations, advertising), comics (authored and commissioned) and scripts.

In 2009 she launched her first zine “toscomics” and in the same year she was nominated for the HQMix trophy (Webcomic category). Made the cover of space cafe n2.

In 2011 , he participated in the third tribute book to Mauricio de Sousa: “MSP Novos 50” (with the comic book “letlato de um altista as a youth - read a page here )”

Participated as a guest at the 2012 Multiverse ComicCon.


In 2013 he released the album “toscomics” by Café Espacial (first album in the series “Café Espacial presents”) and the label Marca de Fantasia.   To buy the comic book. Click here

He also participated in the independent publication “ One Page Movie ” by Bruno Seelig and Gibão with other artists. He started teaching colorization classes in photoshop at Alfamídia .

In 2014 he released two independent comics on Gibicon: Click and Três . Both can be purchased in some specialized stores or directly from the author. Click was nominated for 3 categories in the 2015 HQMix.

- _ _ bb3b-136bad5cf58d_nominated for 2016 HQMIX .

Participates in the “Guia Culinário do Falido”, by Balão Editorial, with Fernanda Chiella, Felipe Horas, Marilia Bruno and Leo Finocchi ( buy it here ), winner of the HQMix 2015 trophy in the humor category.

Participates in the book “SPAM”, by Zarabatana, with other authors, with the HQ “amenu seu penis” read the first pages |   Buy the book.

Made the cover of Space Café 15

Aqui e Acolá ”, a publication by Marsupial bringing together Portuguese and Brazilian authors, with the comics “O Gato” (as screenwriter) and “Herança Maldita” (as designer).

Launched with Diogo Cesar “Chance” by Polvo Rosa (Tentaculos collection) Read the first pages |   buy  

Guest of the FIQ 2015 and the 2016 Curitiba Comics Biennial.

Participates in the FIQ 2015 catalog - click here to see the video .

2016 : participates in the " Memories of Maurício " - a book celebrating the 80th anniversary of Mauricio de Sousa.


The Lost Travel Guide, a continuation of the Bankrupt's Cooking Guide, by Balão Editorial.

Children's/youth's books: Allstar Azul , E Aí (both written by Sandra Simon) and Nina da Nave Histórias. 

Responsible for the art and some scripts of the comic: O Mundo de Bia , a 4-page monthly comic that appeared in Atrevidinha magazine from 2008 to 2013.

Exhibitions: 2013 in Beja, Portugal: solo exhibition "toscomics" with drawings from the comic book ( photos )

2015: FIQ, International Comics Festival, Belo Horizonte: "Expostas" 

2016: BOWING group exhibition on David Bowie, participation with 4 drawings ( photos  | drawings ) at Galeria Hipotética, in Porto Alegre.




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