Agenda aberta: que tal um retratinho como presente nesse natal?
How about a cartoon portrait of your family or friends?

What it is: the little picture is a drawing in digital format that you will receive by email and you can print it on cards, put it on a board, use it on your social media, make mugs, wedding invitations, pillows, whatever you want!
How it works : first you choose an option (full body or bust and the number of people) then buy it using the buttons below by pagseguro or bank transfer and send me an email ( with some photos and the receipt.
In the photos: it is important that the face appears well (without sunglasses or hat). people don't need to be in the same photo, but if it's a full-length drawing, it might be nice to include heights. you don't need to send many photos, if you can see the face well, two or three are enough.
I don't do draft approval.
when sending the finished design you can only ask for hair or skin color changes.
No scenery: if you want to add some background element (sofa, car, beach) let me know first.
The style is the one here: very cartoonish, not realistic or caricature.
In the email you can specify positions, clothes, hairstyle, or some other special detail, like everyone in a star trek uniform or a crown on the dog, etc, you can travel a lot, there's no additional cost!
You will receive : a digital file, ready for printing, in high definition (300dpi) and A4 size (21x29.7cm).

How much?
In addition to the number of people, what defines the value is whether the portrait is full body or bust (which is from the waist up) , below there are several examples for you to understand better.
for a single person: 70
two people: 100
three or more people: 100 for the first two people, plus 30 for each additional person
baby it's free
Pets: up to 3 pets are free, 4 or more have the same cost as one person (30 reais)
Full body:
a single person the value is 130 reais
for two people: 160 reais
three or more people: 160 for the first two people, plus 40 for each additional person
example: a couple and two children = 160 + 40 + 40
baby it's free
Pets: up to 3 pets are free, 4 or more have the same cost as one person (40 reais)
Payment methods : below are the links to purchase with a credit card or payment slip on Pagseguro.
Want to pay with Pix? For me it's much better because I get the full amount, no fees!
My pix is my email
I also accept payment by PicPay (link to QR code) .
Payment is made before sending the drawing, ok?
Want a family or group of friends bigger than the buttons you have here? write me in the email or in the form that I create a button for you.
Discount : if you order more than one design, there is a discount, yes! Write to me and we'll talk :)
Deadline : For up to 3 people (including pets and babies) the design is sent within 8 days after payment (in the case of a card, it is 10 days after approval by Pagseguro).
For groups of 4 people or more, shipment is made within 14 days of payment.
"Does the drawing have to be from the staff like this, all "right"?"
No! If you want I can draw the whole family dressed as batman, just write in the email, there's no additional cost.
The portraits are usually of people hugging, but it can be some other position, just specify.
Do you like a photo and want a cartoon drawing based on it? Also rolls, just explain in the email.
"How can I use my drawing?"
As you wish! The idea is that you print it out and put it in a comic, but it doesn't have to be just that. You can put it on mugs, on stickers, on your wedding invitation, on your facebook, wherever you want! The drawing is yours.

did you have any doubts? write an email or fill in the form:
Novidade: sua criança preferida na capa de um livrinho infantil

Como funciona: você me manda uma foto e uma característica da tua criança, no exemplo a Vanessa, mãe da Laura, disse o seguinte: "quando ela tinha uns 4 anos ela dizia que esperava a gente dormir e saía com os bichos para salvar o mundo"
aí baseado nessa ideia eu fiz essa ilustra!
No caso do Caio, além de comilão a Tati (a mãe) disse que ele tem um sapato veloz!
Você pode me mandar uma ideia (pode ser algo que a criança goste, alguma peculiaridade engraçada ou divertida) ou o título já pronto (você pode perguntar pra própria criança, porque elas costumam ter ideias mais legais do que a gente hehe) ou pode me deixar inventar tudo também!
O que é: uma ilustração no estilo capa de livro infantil: um arquivo digital em alta resolução pra você imprimir e botar num quadrinho ou numa almofada, etc, onde quiser. Dimensões: 20x20cm em 300dpi
Quanto custa: 150
Tem mais de uma criança? Sem problema, todo livrinho pode ter mais de um protagonista! O valor pra duas crianças é 180 e é só adicionar 30 reais pra cada nova criança. Pets não tem custo!
Observações: não vai ter aprovação de rascunho e alterações somente nas cores de pele, roupas, olho ou cabelo.
Apenas para uso pessoal.